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Omni Drain Plug 18628

(0 Reviews)
Seal the trough in your OmniFount series waterer. 2 drain plugs per package. 18628

EcoFount Drain Plug & Overflow 14647

(0 Reviews)
Part number 14647, EcoFount 1 and EcoFount 2 drain plug and overflow pipe.

3” Plug Package 18470

(0 Reviews)
Designed to fit snug in WaterMatic line of waterers using top of the line features.

StallFount Drain Plug 18876

(0 Reviews)
Silicone drain plug for the use in our stainless steel Stall Fount series. 18876

Stall Fount II Drain Plug 18643

(0 Reviews)
Easy to secure drain plug for the Stall Fount II series. 18643

2” Plug Package 18849

(0 Reviews)
Used in Thrifty King CT Series, EZFount, Genesis, Omni Combination 18849 18219

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